Full Professor (since 2016), UFPR
Group leader - Chaos, Disorder and Complexity in Classical and Quantum Systems
Doctor, UNICAMP, 1995
Research area:
Atomic and Molecular Physics
General Physics
Research line:
Statistical physics, thermodynamics and non-linear dynamical systems
Quantum mechanics
Research group:
Chaos, Disorder and Complexity in Classical and Quantum Systems
Matheus Rolim Sales
Adam Luiz de Azevedo
Aron Luiz Oliveira dos Santos
Felipe Teston
Flavio Roberto Rusch
Marco Aurelio García Portillo
CV Lattes link
Google Scholar link
ResearcherID link
ORCID link
Personal webpage link
Email luz@fisica.ufpr.br
Phone +55 41 3361-3664
Fax +55 41 3361-3418