IDF - 29 - 13/08/2013

Um Informativo do Departamento de F?sica da UFPR


         Symmetrical Ball Check-Valve Based Rotation-Sensitive Pump
         F. A. da Silva Rahal and C. K. Saul, J. Fluids Eng. 135, 111101 (2013)


         Palestrante: Elizaveta Gatapova (Institute of Thermophysics SBRAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)
        T?tulo: Heat and Mass Transfer in Two-Phase Cooling Systems
        Data: 15/08 (quinta-feira)
        Hora: 15h30min
        Local: Sala PE04

        The study of an evaporating shear-driven liquid film with a localized
        heating is motivated by potential application in cooling of
        microelectronics on earth and in space. The modeling of evaporating thin
        liquid film driven by body force or shear stress is important both from a
        practical point of view and as task in investigation of film local dry-out
        resulting in formation of apparent contact lines. Two types of models for
        shear-driven liquid film with phase transitions have been developed. One
        of them is a two-sided model that is capable to evaluate the evaporation
        effect on heat transfer enhancement. Some quantitative and qualitative
        comparisons with experimental results are presented. The one-sided
        mathematical model is also developed in the framework of the lubrication
        approximation describing the behavior of contact line. Evaporation, slip,
        disjoining pressure, capillarity and shear stresses effects are included
        in the model. The effect of the slip condition at the solid-liquid surface
        has been examined. An experimental and theoretical study of the
        evaporation of a sessile water drop to open atmosphere when the
        temperature difference between the solid substrate and the atmosphere is
        about 40C are presented. Using substrates with different wettability we
        investigate all three modes of droplet evaporation: pinning, partial
        pinning and depinning. One of the most important results is that at the
        final stage of the drop life the specific evaporation rate abruptly
        increases especially for drops with small and moderate contact angle
        hysteresis. The coupled heat and mass transfer model is considered where
        the temperature field on the drop surface determines the distribution of
        vapor concentration on liquid?gas interface. The calculated specific
        evaporation rate is in excellent agreement with the experimental data.

         O Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em F?sica da UFPR realizar? Minicurso,nos dias 26 a 30 de agosto.
         Ser? ministrado pelo Prof. Dr. Andr?s Santos da Universidade de Extremadura, Badajoz, Espanha.
         T?tulo: "Playing with marbles: structural and thermodynamic properties of hard-sphere systems"
         Informa??es: Secretaria da P?s-Gradua??o de F?sica      

         I? Encontro de F?sicos do Sul, a ser realizado de  24 a 26 de Novembro, em Curitiba. Aqui

        12? Encontro Brasileiro de F?sica dos Plasmas de 1 a 5 de Dezembro. Aqui

            DOI: 10.1126/science.1240573
            Sobre como criar e deletar skyrmions com a inje??o de uma corrente polarizada em spin em um filme
            fino ferromagn?tico. Os skyrmions s?o a nova promessa para mais um salto na capacidade de
            armazenamento em HDs.

           change in the long run. Aqui


    Teses e Disserta??es


       Est?o abertas as inscri??es para o EUF - EXAME UNIFICADO DE P?S-GRADUA??ES EM F?SICA:
       Inscri??es: de 05 a 31/08/2013 (para ingresso no 1? Semestre de 2014).
       Realiza??o das provas: 15 e 16/10/2013, das 14h ?s 18h (hora de Bras?lia). Aqui

       Foram prorrogadas as inscri??es para os programas para professores(as)/pesquisadores(as)
       brasileiros em universidades nos Estados Unidos em v?rias ?reas do conhecimento. Fulbright Foundation
       N?o perca essa oportunidade! Aqui

    Novos artigos, not?cias e informa??es devem ser enviadas ao IDF
       ( sempre at? sexta-feira.